

Is a closed conducting path

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Is a closed conducting path
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When does the electric current flow?

An electric current will flow if there is a voltage, and a conducting path (usually a closed circuit is required).An electric current will flow if there is a voltage, and a conducting path (usually a closed circuit is required).An electric current will flow if there is a voltage, and a conducting path (usually a closed circuit is required).An electric current will flow if there is a voltage, and a conducting path (usually a closed circuit is required).

When birds sits on a cable it gets shocked by a current?

In simple words we can say that when birds sit on the single conducting wire then there is not closed path&when it touch both conductor at a time then closed path forms & birds die due to shock

How much work is done in closed path?

in closed path intial and final distance is same i,e change in distance=0 so work done in closed path is zero

What is a complete conducting path along which electrical charges can flow?

Electrical charges are of 2 types:-Electrons, andIons.A complete conducting path is like a loop which is followed by these charge carriers and then they return back to their original point of starting the flow. A closed electrical circuit is an example of a complete conducting path. In solid conductors electrons are the charge carriers while in liquids the ions are the charge carriers.

Which cell will be damaged durng short circut?

The conducting path is the cell that will be damaged during a short circuit. The reason for this that the conducting path will have a very low resistance and will allow for a large current to flow through the cell and damage it.

What is a path formed by the conductors for electrons?

That path might be called a circuit. If the path is complete, it's a closed circuit.

When the conducting path for current flow bypasses the load it is called?

a short

What is a closed path through which current can flow?

A closed path through which a current can flow is called a circuit. Electric Circuit:)

What is the closed path which current can pass through?


What is closed path that as the same start and end?


A closed path through which electrons can flow is?

A closed path through which electrons flow is known as a circuit.

Can electricity pass through the flash of a digital camera to your body?

No... not possible there is no any conducting path