

Is a comma necessary before a quote?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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"No!", is what my friend said when I asked him that question. (See?)

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Q: Is a comma necessary before a quote?
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Such as a comma b and c or a comma b comma and c People say the last comma before and is not necessary?

last comma before the and is not necessary

Do you use a comma before a quote?


Use comma after name and before RN?

No, a comma is not necessary.

If there is quoted text does the comma go after the quote or before?

In American English, commas typically go before the closing quotation mark, while in British English, they often appear outside the quotation marks. It's important to be consistent within a specific style guide or publication.

Do you need a comma before and?

It is usually not necessary.

When you have a quote and the 'he said' comes after the quote do you use a period or a comma after the quote?

When the attribution (e.g., 'he said') follows the quote, you should use a comma inside the quotation marks before the attribution and follow it with a period after the attribution. For example: "I am going to the store," he said.

Is a comma necessary before the word just?

It depends on the sentence.

Do you need a comma before and after for example?

It depends. Here are examples: In this sentence, a comma is only necessary after the "for example": For example, yesterday she fell down and didn't even cry. In this sentence, a comma is necessary before and after "for example": You, for example, would also be depressed if you were failing trigonometry.

Do you add a comma before Jr or Sr or III in a name?

No comma is necessary before "Jr.", "Sr.", and the like. No comma has ever been necessary before "III", "IV", etc. From the Chicago Manual of Style ( please note that within text, if you decide to use the more traditional comma before Jr. or Sr., the function of the comma is to set off these abbreviations, so an additional comma is needed after the abbreviation if the sentence continues (as in my first sentence above).

Does a comma belong in this sentence We are denying your request at this time?

No comma is necessary.

Do you have to use a comma before and?

That depends on how you are using the word. It isn't always necessary, but if the word "and" is joining two independent clauses (independent clauses are basically sentences that can stand on their own), then you definitely need a comma before the word and, or any coordinating conjunction. Examples: Apples and oranges may be different, but they are both delicious. I like to eat apples, and I love orange juice. In the first example, a comma is not necessary before the word and because it is just joining two words together. In the second, the comma is necessary because the word and is joining two sentences together.

Printed English had become a significant part of a life as it had never been before Is a comma necessary before AS?

Most careful American writers would place a comma before "as", because what follows "as" is a dependent clause. However, there is an exception for short clauses, and some would consider this clause short enough not to need a comma.