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yep Its an acid

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Q: Is a component of vinegar acetic acid?
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Related questions

How can you convert acetic acid in to vinegar?

There is no need to. Acetic acid, along with water is the main component of vinegar

What is the main acid in vinegar?

Acetic acid(CH3COOH) is the main component of vinegar .

What is the component of vinegar responsible for its pH?

acetic ACID

Chemical equation of vinegar?

Vinegar is diluted acetic acid. The chemical formula for acetic acid is CH3COOH.

How many atoms of oxygen are in vinegar?

Vinegar itself is a mixture. The component that makes it vinegar is acetic acid. There are two oxygen atoms in one molecule of acetic acid.

What is the formula of the acid found in mustard?

Vinegar is added to mustard seeds to create the condiment called "Mustard". The main component of vinegar is acetic acid which has the formula CH3CO2H

Atomic number of vinegar?

Vinegar itself is a mixture of water and acetic acid. water is H2O Acetic acid is HC2H3O2

Vinegar is also known as?

vinegar is also known as 'Acetic Acid' Acetic Acid is the common name for Ethanoic Acid. It chemical strcuture is CH3-C(=O)OH

What acid is in the vinegar?

Vinegar contains about 5–20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), water and flavourings.

What carboxylic acid is found in vinegar?

The major chemical component of vinegar is about 5% acetic acid. The systematic or proper chemical name of acetic acid is ethanoic acid. Vinegar is a weak acid produced by the oxidation of alcohol (ethanol) from wines and ciders by bacteria. It is commercially sold as white vinegar, brown vinegar, cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar. CH3COOH

What is the molecular equation for calcium carbonate and acetic acid?

Calcium Carbonate: CaCO3 Acetic Acid is commonly written as HC2H3O2. It is the active component of vinegar.

Is vinegar a compound or a mixture?

Vinegar is a dilute mixture of acetic acid and water.