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Q: Is a condition of low red blood cell production often related to low iron intake?
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Myelodysplastic syndromes, also know as MDS, is a group of blood related disorders. These also involve ineffective production of blood cells of the myeloid class.

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They are related to red blood cells.erithropoeitin triggers the RBC production.

Does hemolytic anemia refer to the deficient production of all cellular elements of the blood?

No. Pancytopenia refers to this condition.

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One of the most common stress related conditions is anxiety. It is hard to say exactly what the most common condition is. Another common stress related condition is high blood pressure.

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Any condition that upsets the balance of hormones in the blood or the production of hormones by the pituitary gland or sexual organs can stimulate the production of prolactin.

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Blood clots can cause thrombosis or thromboflebitis, which is a very painful condition

Hypoxia stimulates kidney cells to release?

Hypoxia stimulates kidney cells to release erythropoietin, which is a hormone that regulates red blood cell production. Hypoxia is a condition where a part of the body or brain is not getting sufficient oxygen. When this condition occurs, there is an increase red blood cell production.

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Of or related to hypoglycemia, a condition of having low blood sugar levels.

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d. condition related to high blood pressure