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Yes - unless the other party KNOWS or has reason to know of the other parties' intoxication.

So be careful, and whenever you're making deals while drunk, make sure you say "Boy, I love signing contracts when I'm really drunk, like I am RIGHT NOW!", or anything to that effect....

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13y ago

yes , because capacity to contract.

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Q: Is an intoxicated person capable of entering into a contract?
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Should intoxication be a reason to void a contract?

If that person still understands the legal consequences of the contract, it is legally enforceable. If that person is intoxicated to the point that he or she lacks mental competency, the contract is voidable at by the intoxicated person, even if the intoxication was voluntarily.

Is a contract made by an intoxicated person valid?

it is and excuse that may work to get out of it ..

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the contract should be voided as soon as the intoxicated person is sober, otherwise it will be enforceable.

What is voidable contract?

A contract that can be voided. It is a valid contract unless the party with the ability to void it does so. Examples of those that can create voidable contracts are minors, mentally disabled persons, or an intoxicated person.

When is capacity to enter a contract diminished?

when the person is a minor when the person is severely intoxicated when the person is mentally disabled when the person is an unincorporated association when the person is an Aboriginal individual on a reserve when the person is a public official acting ultra vires

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No. If the person you are entering the verbal contract with fails to include information that would change your mind on entering the contract, the contract will not be valid. It is considered a voidable contract which means that you are at liberty to either accept or deny it. Intentional misrepresentation, not including puffery, in order to form a contract is fraud.

Can a person be legally intoxicated but not intoxicated in fact?

You either are, or you are not intoxicated. There is no in between as far as the law is concerned.

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Contractual liability insurance is something purchased to protect a person entering into a contract, when that contract means that they agree to be responsible for any liability.

When is a person intoxicated?

An intoxicated person is someone who has drunk too much alcohol, and is drunk. Probably staggering about, unsure of where or what he or she is doing.

May a person incur obligations even without entering into a contract or voluntary agreement?

Yes, oral or written agreements are contractual obligations.

Why is there no single scientific measure that determines whether a person is intoxicated?

Because everyone's physical properties are different. For example, it may take 4 standard drinks for one person to be intoxicated while the same amount of drinks for another person may just get him or her mildly intoxicated.

What is a person who is very drunk called?

inebriated or intoxicated.