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Q: Is a dead crow in your driveway bad luck?
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Is the last name crow bad luck?

No it is not it is like any last name.

What does a dead crow outside your home mean?

One crow is usually bad luck or most likely death. A flock means someone spiritual is trying to contact you or you are being watched from the spiritual world.

What does it mean when black crow lands on your head?

it means bad luck is to come your way

Is it bad luck to find a dead red cardinal in your yard?

I would think its bad luck to find anything dead in your yard, but I'm not sure if a cardinal means anything...usually its crows that are "bad luck".

I Found a big brown bird dead inside my car this morning... bad omen?

If there's one thing you need to learn in life, friend. Don't anger the crows! If the crow is dead, bad omen. If it's not a crow, give it the throw away.

What does it mean when one crow lands in your yard?

It means that some one close to you will die or will get bad luck

Is talking about a dead person bad luck?

Only if you believe it is.

Is it bad luck to find a dead bird?

I would guess it depends on the bird, like a crow or an owl. Granted the poor thing just stuck in your garage and killed itself trying to get out. If you have a cat or a dog then think of it as a gift for the family!

Is a dead raccoon in the yard bad luck?

It is bad luck unless you do not remove it before it begins to decay and raise a real stink as well as draw flies.

What does it mean to find multiple dead crows in your swimming pool?

bad luck??!

What does it mean when a black crow lands on your head?

Apart from it being quite unusual, nothing.

What does dead bird mean in witchcraft?

A dead bird is said to be an omen. This is believed by many to be a sign of bad luck.