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what is a diamonesk diamond

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Is Diamonesk a real diamond?


What is a diamonesk diamond?

Diamonesk diamonds are not real diamonds. They are stones that are made to look like real diamonds. They are a brand of diamond ring.

How does a diamonesk stone compare to a cubic zirconia?

a diamonesk is much more briliant than a cubic zircnia and does not dull with use as does a cz it looks a real as a real diamond and lasts a lot longer than a cz.

What is diamonesk?

Diamonesk stones are used in personalized engagement and wedding ring sets. Diamonesk is much more brilliant and shiny than cubic zirconia and doesn't dull with use as cubic zirconia does.

Are CZ real diamonds?

No. Cubic Zirconium is a man-made crystal resembling a diamond. Some brand names are very close to the properties of a real diamond and some are not.

How to tell if diamonds are real?

An expert would tell if a diamond is real by looking at the diamond with a Loupe, a small magnifying glass used in the jewelry industry. However, don’t worry if you are not an expert or have one in your close circle. There are different ways you can verify the authenticity of a diamond by yourself. How To Tell If Diamonds Are Real? Firstly, you can give the diamond and certificate to a diamond’s appraiser, and this last one will provide you with the answer. You also can use an electronic device that can tell you if the diamond is real. If you don’t wish to spend money on this kind of equipment, you can take a piece of glass and scratch the diamond. If there is a scratch, the diamond is not real, as only a real diamond can leave marks on a diamond. Any other material cannot leave any marks if it is a real diamond.

Is a half carat diamond still a real diamond?

Half carat is the term used to measure the weight of the real diamond. A diamond's weight does not define or detract from the fact that the diamond is or is not a real diamond.

How do you figure out if a diamond is real?

You can take your diamond to a local jeweler who can use a probe to help you figure out if the diamond is a real diamond.

Is a simulant diamond a real diamond?

No, a simulant diamond is a fake diamond.

How to find out if you have a real diamond?

a real diamond can scratch glass and if the diamond gets scratched it's fake

How will know that is real black diamond?

Take your black diamond to a jeweler and ask the jeweler to use the probe to verify that the diamond is a real diamond.

How do you know if your chocolate diamond is real?

Take your chocolate diamond to a jeweler, who can use a probe to confirm, or not, that the diamond is real, or not.