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I tried it and got it right its the Milky Way . Hope i helped

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Q: Is a earth part of the milky way Oort cloud Kuiper belt or the asteroid belt?
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Where is the Milky Way in the solar system?

There are many asteroid formations in the Milky Way. Of those, three orbit our sun, Sol. The first, and most commonly known, asteroid formation in our system is the Asteroid Belt (sometimes called the Main Belt). It is located approximately 3 AU (448,793,612.1 kilometres) from the sun, and is comprised of mostly rocky asteroids in a belt formation. The second is the Kuiper Belt, a belt formation of icy asteroids and dwarf planets. The third is the Oort Cloud, a theorized cloud of asteroids orbiting far beyond the Kuiper Belt.

How does the milky way appear in the in the night sky from earth?

Like a long (milky colored) cloud in the sky - that moves with the stars and not the wind.

What revolves around the Milky Way galaxy?

There are two satellite galaxies, the Greater Magellanic Cloud and the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, which orbit the Milky Way.

Is the milky way bigger than the asteroid belt?

Yes much bigger.

How far is the milky way away from the large magellanic cloud?

No. The Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud are satellite galaxies, separate from the Milky Way. They were named in honor of Ferdinand Magellan, the leader of the first European expedition to circumnavigate the Earth. The LMC and SMC are only visible south of the equator.

Is the Milky Way an asteroid belt?

No. It is a galaxy consisting of hundred of billions of stars. It is many times larger than any asteroid belt.

How far is the earth from Milky Way?

Zero. We are in it

What is the cloud that surrounds the solar system?

The Oort cloud.However, technically the Oort cloud IS part of our Solar System.See related link for more information.

How do you define the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is the galaxy containing the Earth seen as a luminous cloud of stars in the night sky. It is a disk-shaped structure about 100,000 light-years in diameter with the Earth about 25,000 light-years from the center believed to be the location of an enormous black hole.

What has a greater distance from earth an asteroid or a galaxy?

- Answer-Asteroids- Explanation-Here is a scale of the known universe...from Earth to outwardsEarth /Mars /Asteroid Belt /4 Gas planets / All located in our...Solar system / Located in the...Milky Way Galaxy / Part of the...Universe - Home to many galaxies---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earth Asteroids within our solar system Other galaxieso . : . :: . .. G

What is the name of galaxy of the earth?

The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.

Did the earth come before the Milky Way?

No. The earth is inside of the milky way Galaxy.