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Q: Is a fetus system clean from marijuana if the mothers is?
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If your system is clean from marijuana is your fetus?

Yes, this means the fetus is clean. Your blood is his blood. If you have drugs in your system then so will he. You can be prosecuted for drugs in your infant's system.

What is the umbilicus that is part of the female reproductive system?

the one that connects the mothers stromach to the fetus

Can pregnant woman smoke marijuana?

You can rephrase the question to "Should my unborn fetus smoke marijuana?". Because that is really what you are asking. If you get high the fetus get high. So the answer is no.

What do we call a baby still in its mothers womb?

A fetus.

The organ that nourishes the fetus in the mothers womb is called the?


Can smoking marijuana cause miscarriage?

No but it affects the fetus in a negative way.

Where does the unborn fetus live?

The human fetus lives in the mothers uterus, he or she floats in a sack of fluid often called 'the bag of water'.

What are the functions of the amniotic sac and fluid?

Amniotic sac and fluid has a protective functions for the fetus. This sac separates the fetus from the mothers tissue.

Is a fetus still a fetus after 16 weeks?

A fetus is a fetus until it is born at which time the umbilical is cut and it becomes a child. An other argument is that the foetus ceases to be a fetus at the time it is a viable human being and can live without the mothers support.

When fetus completed human being?

After a period nine months in the mothers womb.

What is a viable fetus?

A fetus is viable when it can live outside of the mothers womb. a viable foetus is where a foetus that could be taken from the womb and still be able to survive.

How many weeks after conception does the embryo in the mothers womb become a fetus?

8 weeks