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You can use it in combination with eating fiber rich foods. Sometimes it's not so practical to take in the fiber rich foods at work or at a business meeting. A fiber supplement can add in more fiber and you can often add it to a drink or to oatmeal or other foods. If you find you can't eat enough fiber daily, you may want to buy a fiber supplement.

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Q: Is a fiber supplement better than eating more fiber food?
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Losing the appetite would be a terrible thing. The best way is to control or regulate the appetite by taking green tea extracts supplement. In this way, you can still enjoy eating food while eating lesser. You can try eating lots of greens, nuts, fruits, and other fiber-rich foods. Fiber-rich foods are proven to decrease food cravings.

Does a fiber supplement like Metamucil provide good benefits?

Metamucil can provide very good benefits to people who need extra fiber in their diet. It can help you have more regular bowel movements and digest your food better.

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For some reason, you are not eating enough food or fiber.

What is advantage the of eating fiber in school?

fibre is filling , and got vitamins , healthy food

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Hi,Dietary supplement and food supplement are referring to similar products, the 2 words mean the same.

What types of food can provide an adequate supply of dietary fiber?

Increasing dietary fiber is recommended by eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

When eating food how do you make the food come out?

Well usually you can eat foods high in fiber too help the digestion like prunes or watermelon.

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Food in Africa is not necessarily better than British food. It depends on the taste and preferences of the person eating the food.

What are reasons for eating Kollu fiber food?

It may help with weight reduction and you won't feel hungry all the day.

Can cucumber be used for constipation?

Constipation is usually caused due to less fiber. So, eating fresh fruits and vegetables and other fiber-rich food will help. cucumber is a good source of fiber. So, yes, it can be used.

What are the foods that lower cholesterol?

Any food that is high in fiber content. The easiest way to do that is to buy the Fiber one brand products, such as cereal and bread. Aim for 20 gram of fiber a day and you will find you are more full and eating less.

What causes constepation?

you could be pregnant. it is a early sympton