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It is true that a fief is the troops of knight that was granted to the vassal.

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Q: Is a fief is the troops of knights granted to the vassal?
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A peasant who is bound to the land is a fief?

A peasant who is bound to land is a serf, while a fief is an estate granted to a vassal.

Difference between vassal in medieval ages and fief?

A vassal was a person, and a fief was land. A vassal swore allegiance and support to a king, and the king gave the vassal fief to live on.

What is a piece of land given to a vassal?

A piece of land granted to a vassal in exchange for oaths of loyalty and support is called a fief. The ceremony at which this was done was called commendation.

How does a vassal get his fief?

Vassals agree to fight for the lord, and after an agreement is made the vassal is given a fief in the agreement.

A piece of land given to vassal by a lord?

A fief.

Who usually received a vassal's fief when vassal died?

his oldest son

What is the difference between a fief and manor?

A fief is a piece of land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service. A manor is a large estate, typically including the lord's residence, agricultural land, and the homes of peasants who worked the land. In the feudal system, a fief could be part of a manor, but they are not interchangeable terms.

What change took place between lords and vassals under the feudal agreement?

Lord granted fief to a vassal for military protection and other goods. :)

A vassal was given the rights to control the fief and to have ownership of it?

This is called an investiture. Investitures were common in the 11th and 12th centuries. The land the vassal was given is called a fief.

What word means the custom of giving the fief to the eldest surviving son of a vassal?

Surviving fief

Lord to whom the land was granted?

The land was granted to the lord by the king or higher authority as part of a feudal system where land ownership was tied to military service and loyalty. The lord would then oversee the land, collect taxes, and provide protection to the people living on it.

Who usually received a vassals fief when the vassal died?

his oldest son