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Q: Is a fire less intense at ground level?
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What does the ground water level do to the muck fire?

it affeact them by slowing them down and makes them less strong

Where is sun energy less intense?

The further you get away form the sun the less intense its radiation gets.

Where is the sun's energy less intense?

The further you get away form the sun the less intense its radiation gets.

What is the term for a cloud layer at ground level that reduces visibility to less than one kilometer?

The term for a cloud layer at ground level that reduces visibility to less than one kilometer is "fog." Fog is a type of low-lying cloud that forms when water vapor condenses near the Earth's surface, resulting in reduced visibility and potentially hazardous driving conditions.

The distance from ground to low clouds?

a couple of hundred meters above sea level (can be less or more)

Do you leave the fire extinguisher in contact with the ground?

Portable fire extinguishers weighing 40 lbs or less must be mounted no less than 4 inches from the floor. Over 40 lbs is on wheels, sitting on the floor.

What is the synonym of the word abated?

Lessened or become less intense or less widespread.

Which is more intense the UV rays or the IV rays?

UV ray is more intense. IR rays are less.

List 4 of the less intense post?

I am watching you kyla and alexis!

Which has less fat ground pork or ground veal?

Ground veal.

How long would it take for a 50 year old house to burn down to the ground?

That would depend on what it is made of, a brick house may be gutted by fire but it would not burn down to the ground. Wooden houses can burn to the ground in less than an hour if they are not well-constructed.

How do you make a color less intense?

To make a color less intense, you can add white or gray to the color to create a tint or tone, respectively. This process is known as "desaturation" and can help tone down the brightness or saturation of a color. Additionally, mixing in a complementary color can also help reduce the intensity of a color.