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a couple of hundred meters above sea level (can be less or more)

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Q: The distance from ground to low clouds?
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The distance from the ground to any clouds?

cloud ceiling

Are stratus clouds low clouds?

Yes. Aside from fog (which is at ground level) stratus clouds are the lowest-lying of all clouds.

How far away is the sun from the clouds?

Approximately 93 million miles. In comparison, the distance from the ground to the clouds is at most about five miles. Because the sun is so far away from Earth, the difference between the distance from the ground to the sun and the distance from the clouds to the sun is not significant.

What happens when the clouds hang really low?

What happens when the clouds hang very low is that it becomes foggy. Fog is clouds that are very low to the ground and that are are made up of tiny water drops.

What is it called when wather moves from high to low ground?

when water moves from clouds (high ground) to the low ground it is called rain also known as precipitation.

CLouds THAT block out all sunlight are thick and low to the ground smooth gray clouds and light rain and drizzle?

Stratus clouds, described as a blanket of clouds.

What kind of cloud touches the ground?

Fog, or very low lying stratus clouds can touch the ground.

How do clouds form in an area of low pressure?

It many be water in the ground or leaves.

How do you group clouds?

Cumulus clouds are puffy. They have flat bottoms and are low in the sky. Cumulus clouds usually mean fair weather. If they grow tall, they can become thunderheads and bring rain.Cirrus clouds are the highest clouds. They usually mean fair weather. They look white and feathery.Stratus clouds are the low clouds. Fog is a stratus cloud at ground level. They look like a low gray blanket. Stratus clouds bring rain or snow.

Why do clouds form well above the ground?

The water vapour in the air does not condense until the air temp is low enough. This temp is reached as clouds go higher. Some clouds eg fog do form at ground level when conditions are right.

How are clouds and fog related to precipitation?

Clouds and fog are related to precipitation because both of them are water vapor. Essentially fog is just a low ground cloud.

How long is a wedge tornado?

There is no set size for a wedge tornado. Generally a wedge tornado is one that appears to be wider than the distance from the clouds to the ground and the height of the clouds can vary.