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No, it has no way of excretion.

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Q: Is a flower petal alive after being plucked according to the characteristics of life?
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Is a pedal from a flower is plucked is still alive?

The plant will stay alive but the petal will die.

Is turkey alive when you cook it?

No! Turkeys have to be beheaded and plucked before cooking.

Is a dried out flower living or not?

No, a dried flower is a preserved flower it is not 'alive'

Are birds plucked alive?

No they are not ~ plucking a bird alive would be extremely difficult as well as unnecessarily cruel. When they are just slaughtered (still warm) is the optimum time.

Which type of flower will stay alive the longest?

It is not known which flower will stay alive the longest. However, it is thought that one flower that can stay alive a long time is the Globe Amaranth.

What dies when it's alive and alive when it dies?

A lotus flower. A lotus must die in the ground to become a flower again. So it will live when it dies. Even if the flower is alive, it must die in order for a seed to be produced. Therefore, it must die to live. The thing that lives when it's dead, and dead when it's alive is.. lotus.

Is water alive according to the characteristics of life?

According to the 7 characteristics of life. . . Sensitivity and reactivity to the environment and Capacity for adaptation: Yes Ingestion of substance for energy: No Reproduction: Yes Respiration: No Emission of wastes: No Internal Movement: Yes Cellular Structure: No Given that water is only 3/7 "Yes", we can assume that no, water is not "alive" in these senses.

Are bannanas alive?

What kind of absurd question is this! Banana on tree is living, whereas after it is plucked out it is non-living. Its just a fruit.

What flower symbolizes mothers day which color dead or alive?

red flower means alivewhite flower means dead

How long does a flower stay alive?

1 year

What is the world's oldest flower that is alive today?


Why is bacteria alive?

They have all the characteristics of life.