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No. A 14 year old can be 120 lbs and look perfect. Muscle weighs much more than fat.

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Q: Is a fourteen year old girl over weight if they weigh 102 pounds and are 5'2?
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Related questions

What is th average weight for a fourteen year old girl?

About 129 pounds :)

How much should a fourteen year old girl who is 5ft 5in weigh?

About 110 to 135 pounds.

How much should a fourteen 4.11 girl weigh?

around 85 to 95 pounds depending on muscle mass of the individual

How much should a fourteen your old girl weight?

How much a fourteen year old girl should weigh depends on her height, diet and lifestyle. For example, the average weight for a 14 year old 5 ft girl is between 80.9 lbs and 120.3 lbs.

I weigh 89 pounds and am 5 foot 13 years old and a girl is that a good weight?

You are actually considered underweight at this weight and height. You should weigh between 97 pounds and 123 pounds for this height.

What is the average weight of a 5'7 26 year old girl?

The average weight of a girl that is 26 and is 5'7 should weigh around 152 pounds. Women in the Army should weigh around 143 pounds at the same height.

How much should an avarege 11 year old girl weigh?

A girl that is 4.9 inches the average weight is about 105 pounds - 109 pounds anything above that is at risk of being over weight or over weight.

How much should an average 4.7foot girl weigh?

A girl who is 4'7'' should weight between 90 and 100 pounds.

What is the average weight for a 14 year old girl that is 5'2 and weighs 140 pounds Is that over weight?

I am an 11 year old girl who is 5'2 and i weigh 105 pounds but I guess you are fine because you are 3 years older than me. I think you should weigh 10 pounds less well.

How much should a 4 feet 9 inch 11 year old girl weight?

Well I am four foot eleven and fourteen and I weight 88 pounds.

What is the ideal weight for a 5'2 fourteen year old girl?

I am 12 years old, and I'm about the same height, but I weigh 116 pounds. I lost 4 pounds from my track. I think an ideal weight would be around 115 pounds. Every thing I eat goes to my stomach or my thighs, but everybody says I'm skinny. I'd still love to lose weight, and get close to a 6 pack. haha.

A 12 year old girl supposed to weigh 80 pounds?

to be honest that sounds under weight