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Q: Is a fracture that protrudes from the skin?
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The bone protrudes throgh the skin?

That's called a compound fracture.

What type of fracture has bone protruding throughskin?

A compound fracture is when a bone protrudes through the skin.

What is a fractured arm with no bones protruding called?

Simple fracture vs. Compound Fracture (bone protrudes through skin)

What type of fracture is a bone protruding from the lower arm?

When a bone fracture protrudes through the skin it is classified as an open fracture. With an open fracture there is a risk of deep bone infection.

What is a broken bone protruding called?

When the fractured bone protrudes from the skin, this is known as a compound fracture.

What is a intra-articular extension?

An intraartucular extension is a type of fracture that protrudes into the articulating joint space. Simply, it is a fracture that involves the joint space.

What is it called when a fracture breaks the skin?

When a fracture breaks the skin, it is a compound fracture or open fracture. Because the skin is broken, there is a possibility of infection.

Difference between a closed fracture and a compound fracture?

A closed fracture is when the skin is still intact. A compound fracture is when the broken bone is sticking through the skin.

Bone fracture that doesn't break the skin?

A simple fracture. A compound fracture is when the bone pierces the skin.

What is a simple fracture and a compound fracture?

a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture is a closed fracture or simple fracture whereas compound fracture or an open fracture is a fracture in which the skin is perforated and there is an open wound down to the site of the fracture.

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What bone fracture does not perforate the skin?

Closed Fracture