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Carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Q: Is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere?
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Which gas traps heat into the atmosphere?

Water vapour and carbon dioxide are the main greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

How do you know whether a gas is greenhouse gas i.e how a greenhouse gas is different from non-greenhouse gas?

A greenhouse gas is a gas (with at least three atoms) that traps heat inside the earth's atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and methane. It is important that some heat is trapped inside our atmosphere - otherwise the earth would freeze. But too much heat has a negative impact on the climate.

What is the atmospheric gas that traps heat inside the atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane.

Why are some greenhouse gases and some not greenhouse gases?

"Greenhouse gas" is just a catchy term that means "traps heat." Due to the way the atmosphere is layered, some gases trap more heat than others; CO being about the weakest "greenhouse gas."

How is the burning of cleared land contributing to greenhouse gas emissions?

Combustion releases carbon dioxide as the carbon in the organic material is joined with oxygen from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is understood to be a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps heat in the atmosphere.

Explain why carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas.?

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs infrared radiation, traps heat in the atmosphere, and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases.

What is the ozone's role as a greenhouse gas?

Ozone acts as a greenhouse gas too. It traps the heat emitted from the sun and does not allow it to exit.

Which gas traps heat on Venus gas solar energy?

Venus has a very thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, which traps the heat from the sun.

What is a greenhouse gas layer?

There is no greenhouse gas (GHG) layer. Greenhouse gases are mixed throughout the atmosphere producing an essentially homogeneous mixture. The popular concept, thanks to "bad science" news is that GHGs accumulate in a layer somewhere "up there" and form a barrier of gas that traps heat from the sun like glass in a greenhouse. Wrong! The GHGs in the atmosphere absorb heat from the sun because of the length of their atomic bonds. The warmer gases share their heat with the rest of the atmospheric gases increasing the average gas temperature

How water vapour as a greenhouse gas contributes to the greenhouse effect?

Water vapour is a greenhouse gas that traps heat rising from the surface of the earth. In doing so it contributes to the natural greenhouse effect.

When does the global warming happens?

it happens every day because a lot of greenhouse gas is produced every day.when greenhouse gas is released into the air, it goes into the atmosphere. when heat from the sun hits the o-zone layer some go through it and some bounces off. greenhouse gas traps the heat, making the earth hotter every day

Which gas traps heat in the atmosphere of venus?

carbon dioxide and fu