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no, balls make you stronger

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Q: Is a guy weaker because he has balls?
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Why do people think the short guy is the weaker guy?

A shorter guy is just physically weaker and unfortunately society has this idea of bigger is better.

Tom has 3 red balls and 4 blue balls How many balls does he have in all?

9 because tom is a guy and he has 3 red balls 4 blu,e balls and 2 balls in a sack

Is vegeta a bad guy?

yes he is because he came to earth to destroy the earth and get the dragon balls

Do turkeys have balls?

ya bish, every GUY animal has balls

Where is the guy in sandgem town that has three master balls in Pokemon diamond?

There's no such guy in Sandgem Town that has 3 Master Balls.

Where is the guy that makes balls out of apricots in crystal?

the guy is in AZALEA town

Was does darius mean?

A lovely guy with no balls and

Is it a complement to say to someone they have goat balls?

okay i hope your a girl and if your a guy you should never say that. a guy should never say to another man anything about his balls unless its a freindly insult. if your a girl don't compliment the balls compliment the penis because that's mostly what guys think about and are very self conscience about.

Why are kids organ weaker from adult?

Because kids are smaller they have smaller organs and there weaker because there still in development

How do you ask a guy out if your a guy?

Same way you'd ask a girl out. But if that guy is straight, get ready for a kick in the balls.

What would you do if you were an Indian?

not get kicked in the balls by a white guy

What is a Jeramey?

he is a guy who licked a girls balls and a doctor