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No, the cheetah is the fastest land animal.

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Q: What makes an animal run fast?
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What makes animal run and fly fast?

Legs and wings

Why do people run fast?

People do not run fast, at all, when compared to other runners in the animal kingdom.

How fast can a labrador run?

There is no limit to how fast a Labrador can run. The exact speed depends on the individual animal tested.

What makes a person run fast?

His legs

Why is the fox a difficult animal to catch?

foxes are difficult to catch because they have long legs and because they can run fast

What makes a tiger run fast?

this cat can run about 77 mph!

Why can't people run as fast as horses?

because your not an animal.

Who animal can ran fast to another animal?

The Cheetah is the fastest animal on Earth, they can run up to 75 MPH.

How fast can cheetehs run?

Cheetahs are found in Africa. Over a short distance this animal can run as fast as 70 miles per hour.

How does a cheetah gather food?

They run really fast and catch an animal.

Do hunting dogs have to be fast to be good?

yes because if they are not fast, the animal they are trying to eat will run away

What makes Sonic the Hedgehog run so fast?

His red sneakers