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Yes, hawks are natural predators and have better eyesight, regardless of the owls own great eyesight.

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i think that an owl has better vision cuz it cant turn its head 360 degree and it can see better at night


While both the hawk and the owl have exceptional eye sight, they are both very specific in their design and use- The owl uses primarily close range sight which is extremely sensitive, allowing it to pick up prey in low light while the hawk has better distance vision that is better attuned to day time hunting. The two cannot be directly compared.

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Q: Is a hawks vision better than an owls?
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Yes, they have vision strong enough to see down from up the sky. Their vision is useful for them when catching prey.

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One eye will get a darker shade of color than the other. It can help with night vision, but it is only in one eye and it doesn't last for very long. For example: Owls have better night vision than us humans and that comes handy because owls are nocternal. Nocternal means that you sleep in the day and your awake at night. This happens because owls have more rods than cones and we have more cones than rods and that is why we can see color better.

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What are barn owls special characteristics?

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What do owls perform better than any other birds?

They perform better as they have bigger hooters.