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In the summer of 1932, about 20,000 veterans demonstrated in Washington, DC, to convince Congress to vote to provide their World War I bonus immediately, instead of waiting until 1945 when the bonus was going to be issued. Congress refused to act and adjourned in July without passing the bonus. Most of the vets went back home. Those who remained set up "Hoovervilles" on the outskirts of the city, policed themselves, cooperated with authorities, and were mostly peaceful in their demonstrations. Hoover believed that the "Bonus Boys" were led by communists and anarchist agitators. (Actually, the most influencial group behind the Bonus Army was the American Legion.) Hoover called upon Douglas MacArthur to disperse the Bonus camps. The use of troops, tanks, and the death of one infant was more than Americans could stand and Hoover's popularity became worse than ever. The Hoovervilles were torn down and never replaced.

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Q: Is a hooverville the same as a transient camp?
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Is hooverville in Nevada?

There is no city in Nevada named Hooverville. Hooverville is term used for a crudely built camp put up usually on the edge of a town to house the dispossessed and destitute, it is a practice that started during the depression of the 1930s. There are no cities named Hooverville in the US.

What were the hooverville?

A shantytown built by unemployed and destitute people during the Depression of the early 1930s.

What promise did the Hooverville woman make to bud?

The Hooverville woman promised to take care of Bud like he was her own child and look out for him while he stayed with her in the camp.

Why did people refer to the shantytowns as hoovervilles?

They named the illegal camp hooverville because they blamed it on president hoover for not believing to help others who had no money

How many people lived in hooverville?

Over 1,200 people lived in Hooverville

What is difference between natural response and transient response?

They are the same thing. The transient response is also known as the natural response.

What was the largest hooverville?

The largest Hooverville was located in Seattle, Washington during the Great Depression, with a population of over 1,000 people. It was known as "Hooverville" in sarcastic reference to President Hoover, and it existed from 1931 to 1941.

What did Hooverville consist of?

Shacks Or Shantes

What is an alliteration in Bud Not Buddy?

An example of alliteration in "Bud, Not Buddy" is the phrase "Fearful Footsteps Followed Him." This occurs when Bud is walking nervously through the dark and spooky Hooverville camp.

Is camp itch the same thing as camp fever from the Civil War?

whatever i dnt think its the same thing because camp fever is a sickness and camp itch is just an icth

A sentence for the word transient?

Nature is transient.