

Is a hot star blue and fainter or blue and brighter?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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It is brighter because it is emitting more gasses at a faster rate than other sized main sequence stars.

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Q: Is a hot star blue and fainter or blue and brighter?
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Does a star get brighter when is hot or cold?

Any hot object will glow brighter when it is hotter.

Is the blue or red star hot?

The blue star is the hottest star.

Is a star cold or hot if it's blue?

If it was blue,it would be hot.

What can be said about a red star and a blue star?

A red star is cool whereas a blue star is hot.

Is a blue star hot?

All stars are hot. Blue stars are the hottest.

What makes up a blue star?

when the star gets really hot

Which is hot a blue star or a red star and why?

All stars are hot. Blue stars are the hottest. The hotter a star is, the shorter the wavelength of light it emits. Blue light has a shorter wavelengths than most other colors.

Why is a blue star hotter than a red star?

If a blue star wasn't so hot - it wouldn't be a blue star - it would be a white star.See related question for more details.

Why does the color of a star determine?

it determines how hot or cold the star is, for example, a blue star means its boiling hot and a red star means its unbearably cold...

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How can a cool star be more luminous than a hot star?

Luminosity is related to temperature and distance.A cool and thus less luminous star would be brighter than a more luminous star at a greater distance.Our Sun is a relatively cool star in comparison to say Rigel, but because it is closer it appears more luminous and brighter.

How does a star's color relate to how hot it is?

It relates to how hot it is because if it was blue it would be a hotstar and it it was red it would be a cool star!