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Q: Is a infected bee sting coverd by aflac accident plan?
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Dirty bee sting?

A dirty bee sting can become infected. A sting is easily treated at home without medical attention unless the individual has an allergy. Keeping the sting cleaned properly will prevent any complications.

How do you get the puss out of a wasp sting?

To treat a wasp sting that has become infected with puss, rinse with peroxide several times a day until cleared. If the infection is not minor seek medical attention to have a healthcare professional treat the sting.

Is it bad to get nail polish in a cut?

no, it is not. It will sting a bit, of course, but won't harm you.

Is it supposed to hurt after you cleanse your ear piercing?

If your ear in infected it might sting a little, but normal cleaning them, no.

Is the scarring from surface piercings generally easy to tattoo over?

well it depends if its infected or not if its not it probably will just sting a little whenever you go over the hole but if its infected it will probably hurt

Can cephalexin be used for bee sting infections?

Cephalexin is popularly used to treat infections contracted from injuries. A normal bee sting would only require cleaning and pain medications. If your bee sting becomes infected, then see a doctor who might prescribe you with Cephalexin.

What is the immune response to an infected toe from a bee sting?

The immune response to an infected toe from a bee sting usually consists of the area swelling from the increased blood circulation and white blood cells rushing to the site to fight off the infection. Its the body's natural defense mechanism keeping the infection from releasing into the rest of the body.

What do you do when you get a scrape?

clean it out with water and soap (it will sting) and keep it covered with a band aid so germs don't get in and it won't get infected. and you can also spray it with neosporin instead of soap too. it may still sting, though.

How does Malaria affect people's social lives?

when people are infected with malaria, it makes them so sick that they have to stay in bed which makes it easier for mosquitoes to come and sting them. the infected mosquitoes can then infect other people.

How do you catch encephalitis?

Infected mosquitoes can spread the pathogen that can cause encephalitis. West Nile Virus is one of the encephalitis illnesses that is spread by mosquito sting.

What does a yellow jacket sting look like?

It is yellow at the tip and black around, it hurts a lot so be careful with them.Do not mess or pick at them or they might get infected or bigger. If you have a sting or think you might visit your local pharmacy and try to find some antibiotics, it will surely help.

Is it ok to urinate on a jellyfish sting?

NO, IT IS NOT! This is an old wives tale and will do nothing to combat a jellyfish sting. In fact the toxins in urine may cause the wound to become infected. Immersion in warm water is the best thing to do. Application of vinegar has been known to help in some cases