

Is a lake a liquid

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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A lake is not a liquid, it's the water in it that is a liquid.

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Q: Is a lake a liquid
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Which lake remains in a liquid from although it is covered with ice?

A lake which remains in a liquid form although it is covered with ice is called an ice covered lake.

Where is the most liquid fresh water found?

In a freshwater lake or ice

What is a lake of asphalt?

Asphalt is a sticky, black and viscous liquid present in most crude petroleum's. There is a Pitch Lake in Trinidad, La Brea Tar Pits in California, and Guanaco Lake in Venezuela

When the water comes from the lake what process is it is it condensation or evaporation or precipitation or runoff?

Evaporation. Condensation is when water vapor leaves the gas state and becomes liquid again. Evaporation is when liquid water moves into the gas state. Precipitation is water (as liquid or solid) condenses and falls from clouds. Runoff is solid water turning to liquid. So of those four, only evaporation could be described as water coming from the lake... unless the lake is frozen solid - then it could be runoff.

How many gallons of water in lake Michigan?

Google states that the volume of Lake Michigan is about 1,180 cubic miles which equals 1,299,318,234,000,000 gallons [US, liquid]

Which characteristic of water is most helpful to fish in a lake?

When Frozen water floats on liquid water

How can fish live in a frozen lake?

The top freezes. Under the frozen top is liquid water.

What does revervoir mean?

A reservoir is a stored quantity, generally of a liquid or gas. The bulb on a thermometer is a reservoir. A lake is a reservoir.

How is ice floating on water helpful to fish that live in a lake?

The fact that ice floats means that the lake probably will not freeze solid all the way down. There will still be liquid water at the bottom of the lake where the fish can stay alive all winter.

Which process could cause ice to form a thin layer over a lake?

Freezing is the process that would cause ice to form a thin layer over a lake. Ice is formed when a liquid is cooled.

Is a lake freezing a chemical change?

Yes, whenever something changes from liquid, solid or gas, It is considered a change in state.

What damage cannot be repaired in a liquid fertilizer spill?

The damage that cannot be repaired in a Liquid Fertilizer Spill would be, you cannot fix the habitat of a home, in the water/lake, and you cannot repair your night with your mom.