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Q: Is a large root system near surface is a special structure of some desert plants?
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Is it true that a large root system near the surface is a special structure of some desert plants?


Why is it important for the roots of desert plants to grow near the surface of the ground?

It is important for the roots of desert plants to grow near the surface of the ground so the desert plant's roots may get water easily ( without going into many kinds of trouble ).

Why would a plant in the desert have very shallow roots and stretch horizontally?

Some desert plants have this adapatation, this enables them to capture the smallest amount of rain that may fall on the surface, others use this to collect dew from the surface of the soil that forms at some times of the year. Desert plants that are located in area that recieve costal fog are know for this adaptation (Welwitchia plants of the Nambib Desert for example)

Facts about desert plants?

Desert plants have well developed vascular tissue and root system, have latex in the body, spiny, waxy and cuticularized surface to minimize water loss by transpiration.

Do all desert plants have spikes?

SOME desert plant have spikes, which reduce the surface area of the leaves so that the loss of water is reduced.

How does plants structure aid in photosynthesis?

Leaves and stems due to special adaptations

Which is patch on a desert which has water?

An oasis is a small area in a desert where ground water has reached the surface, usually as a spring. More plants are able to thrive in an oasis compared to the surrounding desert.

What is an oasis region?

An oasis is a place in a desert where ground water reaches the surface, usually as a spring. The water allows more plants to flourish than in the surrounding desert.

Why are some desert plants leafless?

To avoid loss of water through the surface of leaves (stomatal & cuticular transpiration.)

What are fertile lands in the desert called?

An oasis is an area of the desert where ground water comes to the surface forming a spring or pond and this allows plants to grow in more profusion.

What is a fertile place in the desert where crops can be grown?

An oasis is a place in the desert where ground water has reached the surface and this allows more plants to flourish than in the surrounding area.

What is a water hole found in desert?

An oasis is a small area located in a desert where ground water reaches the surface, usually as a spring. More plants are able to flourish on an oasis that in the surrounding desert.