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Yes, but there is a further criteria. If the year can be divided by 100, it must also be possible for it to be divided by 400. So 2000 was a leap year, but 1900 wasn't and 2100 will not be. The next one that can be divided by 100 and will be a leap year is 2400.

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Q: Is a leap year one that 4 divides into without any remainder?
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When is a year a leap year?

This is quite complex.Generally, if the number divides by 4 it's a leap year, so 2008 was a leap year.But, if it divides by 100 it's not, so 1700, 1800, 1900 were not leap years.But, if it divides by 400 it is, so 2000 was a leap year and 2400, 2800 will be.See the Related Link.

What is the program in c to check whether a year is leap year or not in simple way?

If the year divides evenly by 4 it's a leap year. If it's a century year it has to divide evenly by 400. 2000 was a leap year. 2100 will not be a leap year.

A leap year is a year that is divisible by 400 or 4 but not 100 is 1600 a leap year?

Well if 1600 being divisible by 100 disqualified it as a leap year, that would contradict the rule that 400 is a leap year. So maybe a more explicit way to state the leap year rule would be: Is_Leap(year) = true: if 4 divides year OR 400 divides year false: All other cases. Hope this helps!

Why was 2001 not a leap year even though its divisible by 4?

2001 was not a leap year as it is not divisible by 4. 2001 divided by 4 is 500 and a remainder of 1. If it was divisible by 4 there would be no remainder.

Was 1942 a leap year?

No, 1942 is not evenly divisible by 4 (if you divide 1942 by 4, you're left with a remainder of 2).

How many day are is 4 years?

There are 1461 days in a year (inclu. leap year) or 1460 (without leap year)

How many days in a year without leap year?


Why does your b-day fall on a different day of the week every day?

Because a year has 365 days (or 366 in a leap year) and a week has 7 days. 7 does not divide into 365 or 366. The remainder of 1 in a non-leap year means that your birthday will be one day of the week later if there has not been a leap day since your previous b-day. A remainder of 2 in a leap year means that your birthday will be two days of the week later if there has been a leap day since your previous b-day. The reason for using leap days instead of leap years in the last paragraph is that birthdays that fall before the leap day (1 January-28 February) are affected by leap years in the PREVIOUS year.

Wap to find whether the year is leap or not?

-- Four years after the last leap year. -- A year with Summer Olympics and a US presidential election. -- A year that's evenly divisible by 4 (no remainder). -- Get a calendar for the year, flip to February, and look at the end of the month.

Which are these followig years take a leap year 2002 2003 or 2004?

It is 2004 because it is divisible by 4 with no remainder

How do you write a program in java to check a year leap year or not and display the proper message?

You can use a number of nested "if" commands. The rules are the following: If the year is a multiple of 400, it IS a leap year. Else, if the year is a multiple of 100, it's NOT a leap year. Else, if the year is a multiple of 4, it IS a leap year. Else it's NOT a leap year. In Java, to check for divisibility, you use the "%" operator, which gives you the remainder of a division. For example: if (year % 400 = 0) ... To show results on screen, you use: System.out.println(...)

How many days in the year without holidays?

There are 365, or 366 in a leap year.