

Is a liger hunted or used for anything?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is a liger hunted or used for anything?
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Are red wolves hunted?

Yes, red wolves are an endangered species every since the started to be eaten by liger's.

What does a liger compete for?

A liger is a cross between a tiger and a lion. Typically they do not compete for anything because they are usually in captivity.

What is a liger afriad of?

Depends on what it has not been exposed to. Ligers are animals bred in captivity, so it can be afraid of anything that it isn't used to in being in captivity.

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no. but in alaska, they can be attacked by wolves or bears. but they are not hunted.

What eat liger?

Due to incorrect grammar, I cannot fully comprehend what you are asking. If you are asking: What eats a liger? The answer is nothing. Liger meat, due to the fact that carnivore meat tastes nasty is not suitable for consumption so if one is hunted the meat must be discarded. However, if you are asking What does a liger eat? the answer is, any kind of deer, antelope, beef or whatever meat animals either of its parent species eat.

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Seahorses are hunted and used for Chinese medicine. It is believed that over fishing of the seahorse is leading to their extinction.

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Who would win in a fight liger or a tiger?

ofcourse a liger

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cavemen food are anything they hunted for.

Is a liger a prey or predator?

If anything, it'd be a predator. But as the liger(tiger-lion offspring) is a man-made mix only found in private collections, the definition is fairly pointless. They all get fed by humans.

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