

Is a lion related to a jaguar?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They are both placed in the Panthera genus.

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Q: Is a lion related to a jaguar?
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Who is the strongest in lion and Jaguar?

a jaguar

What is faster - a lion or a jaguar?

I believe that the lion is faster than the jaguar.

What is an organism of a jaguar?

The jaguar is a mammal that belongs to Felidae family and closely related to tiger, leopard and lion. This is considered as the largest type of cat in the western hemisphere.

If you have one bullet in your gun what do you do when you're in the middle of the jungle and you're surrounded by a lion and a jaguar?

shoot the jaguar their faster because their more closely related to cheetahs but lions are stronger so if you a good runner shoot jaguar No.. you shoot the lion first. then get in the jaguar (Car) . and get the hell out of the jungle. Trick question haha ^^

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What is stronger - jaguar or lion?

easy lion

What are some family members of a lion?

The tiger, leopard, snow leopard and jaguar are all members of the same genus as the lion, Panthera, and are closely related to the lion.

Who would win in a fight lion or a jaguar?

While the jaguar is a faster and more agil and athletic cat the jaguar well have no chance going one on one with a male lion but that does not mean that the jaguar can't outsmart the lion if a jaguar was hunting with another of his own kind which is very unlikely the jaguar can actually ambush the lion and do a sneak attack on the lion if the jaguar gets his jaw on the lions skull it can actually kill the lion but this two powerfull cats live so far from eachother so is very unlikely for this duel to happen but if the jaguar outsmarts the lion the jaguar will win the BATTLE

Is the jaguar a relative of the lion or the tiger?

Yes, the jaguar is in the same genus as the lion, tiger, leopard and snow leopard.

Who is faster - the lion or the jaguar?

lion as it runs at a top speed of 70 mph and a leopard is 50 mph

What sound does a Jaguar make?

The Jaguar roars kind of like a lion

Who would win in a fight a Jaguar or a lion?

A jaguar is smaller and stronger but the lion is faster bigger taller and is more skilled at fighting so the lion has an advantage over the jaguar and besides they brawl when they are tennagers and there the most skilled at fighting.