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offline defragmentation

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Q: Is a manual process that defragments the Active Directory database in addition to reducing its size?
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Why is it important for a database to be normalized?

Normalization is a process of reducing redundancies of data in a database. If you don't normalize you will have to repeat data entry.

What is the benefit of using Informix database software?

The IBM Informix is a database software that allows the user to schedule maintenance without any downtime. It optimizes the use of hardware reducing storage needs and operations can be consolidated in to one database platform.

What are the benefits of SQL tuning?

There are many benefits one can achieve in using SQL tuning in a database. Some of these include reducing the workload, balancing the workload as well as to parallelize the work load. All of these will contribute in the database running more efficiently.

Why normalizations are important for database development?

Normalisation is process of taking data from a problem and reducing it to a set of relations. Meanwhile ensuring data integrity and eliminating data redundancy.

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It is difficult to completely prevent errors, especially in a complex database. Good design and good validation can reduce the amount of errors. You can give users lists to choose from rather than them typing things in, reducing their chances of typing something wrong for example.

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The lowest common multiple is useful in doing fraction addition. If you use any common multiple then you will need to do more reducing in the answers.

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Is sucrose is reducing sugar?

No, it is not a reducing sugar.

Why is database normalisation necessary?

Database normalization is necessary to eliminate data redundancy and ensure data integrity and consistency. By organizing data into multiple related tables and reducing duplication, normalization helps to save storage space and improve the efficiency of data retrieval and update operations. It also prevents anomalies, such as update anomalies and insertion anomalies, by ensuring that each piece of data is stored in only one place.

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It's a reducing sugar.

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maltose is a reducing sugar ..

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