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Q: Is a melodeon accordion similar to a piano?
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Which instruments is most similar to a piano?

Melodeon accordion

What instrument is similar to an accordion?

the piano

Which of these instruments are most closely related?

Concertina and melodeon accordion

What instrument family does the piano accordion belong to?

A piano accordion is a wind instrument. It is an accordion equipped with a right-hand keyboard similar to that found on a piano or organ.

What is the synonym of accordion?

melodeon, squeezebox, windbox, groanbox, concertina

Is a modern accordion similar to a piano?

The right side of a piano accordion, where you play the melody, is similar to a piano, except there are fewer keys and thus a shorter range. On the left side, where you play the bass and chords (accompaniment, the notes are arranged in fifths, and the system is very different from the piano keyboard. On a button accordion the right (melody) side is not similar to a piano keyboard. A piano player will quite easily be able to play the right (melody) side of a piano accordion, but the left side will require additional practice. A button accordion is a completely different system, and the piano player will have no advantage with regards to technique.

Who invented the accordion in 1829 and what other name is this instrument?

Cyril Damien invented the accordion in 1829 and is also known as the squeezebox or melodeon.

What is the difference between an accordion and a piano accordion?

A piano accordion has as mall piano keybored on the side of it whereas an normal accordion does not. I hope this helped!

What instruments are most closely related with regards to their appearance and how they are played?

concertina and melodeon Accordion

Instruments are most closely related with regard to their appearance and how they are played?

concertina and melodeon Accordion

What else is accordion called?

The accordion can also be referred to as the melodeon or squeezebox. In Ireland, a one row accordion is referred to as a melodeon while in the United States these musical instruments are referred to as accordions. In the United Kingdom, accordions with two or three rows of buttons on the right-hand side are likely to be referred to as melodeons.

What is an other name for an accordion?

The accordion has many different names with melodeon and squeezebox being the most common synonyms used. There is some geographical disagreement over the use of the word melodeon with two and three row accordions in Britain being referred to as melodeons. In Ireland, a melodeon refers to a single row musical instrument with the bass buttons while in the United States these instruments are often referred to as accordions.