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Q: Is a mental disorder involving disturbance in thinking in a perceiving reality and in functioning?
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Related questions

What is a disorder?

A disorder is a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning in an organism, like when a person has down syndrome for example. It is a disorder that happens with in the body.

What does upheaval mean?

Upheaval -a disturbance usually in protest.a state of violent disturbance and disorder.(geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation .

What word starts with D and means to throw into disorder?

disturb, disturbance, disarray

How does disorder affect the victim?

Any form disorder will affect the normal functioning of the body. The victim will not be able to do certain activities.

Is there a mental disorder involving a fear of success?

Plutophobia- Fear of wealth

Narcolepsy is a disorder involving?

Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder, where the person suffering it can fall asleep at unpredictable times, with no ability to control it.

Which gland is related to disorder that affect proper functioning of a person's metabolism?

Thyroid gland

What is a disorder characterized by blackouts and fragmentation of ego into two or more distinct personalities that alternately dominates a person's functioning?

dissociative identity disorder... previously known as multiple personality disorder

Is thought to be a milder form of autism that occurs in relatively high-functioning individuals.?

aspergers disorder

What is the medical term for severe deterioration of mental functioning that result in brain disorder?

The medical term for severe deterioration of mental functioning that results in a brain disorder is "dementia." This condition is characterized by a decline in memory, reasoning, communication, and the ability to perform daily activities.

What is the difference between disability and disorder?

Simply put a disorder can cause a disability. A disability (meaning impaired, as in physical functioning) is a physical or mental impairment that prevents an individual functioning as most people could. A disorder (an ailment that affects the function of mind or body) is the name given to a disease which may sometimes manifest in such a was as to cause a disability. Not all disorders (eg an eating disorder) cause a disability

What makes a disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally?

Besides anxiety disorders and phobias many psychiatric disorders have anxiety as one of its features. Example: Depressive disorder.