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No. The officer could always say you refused to sign. Besides , you obviously know if you were stopped for a moving violation. Don't try to weasel out of this. You may just get in more trouble. Go to traffic court and tell it to the judge. Call the local PD [ non-emergency number ] and see if the officer is required to even request that you sign.

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Q: Is a moving violation void if the police officer did not allow you to sign the ticket?
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A speeding ticket IS a moving violation.

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The officer can ticket you for the traffic violation, he or she can arrest you if there are mitigating circumstances.

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If a police officer doesn't have a person to sign their ticket, the ticket is still valid in any state. It is only a myth that the ticket will be thrown out of court.

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Do police have to see a moving violation to issue a ticket?

No. For example there are parking violations, and vehicle road-worthiness violations.

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For a speeding ticket issued by a Police Officer, Yes! For an alleged speed camera violation, No!

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A police officer can give a ticket for anything you do that's in violation of the law on the road, littering or grafitti.

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I got this ticket and it is a moving violation. How dump it is.

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No, it is an equipment violation.

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No, that could be construed as bribery. The only money that can change hands with the police officer at the time of arrest is bond.

Is a seatbelt ticket a moving violation?

Yes, it is.