

Is a nebula further from earth than a galaxy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Earth is IN a galaxy - as is the nebula.

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Q: Is a nebula further from earth than a galaxy?
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What is bigger a galaxy or a gaseous nebula?

A Galaxy is far bigger than a nebula.

Is a galaxy bigger than a nebula?

Yes. A nebula is just a big gas cloud. A galaxy will contain many nebulas.

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Is a galaxy bigger than a moon?

Yes, much bigger. There are many stars in our galaxy, thousands of millions of them. Everything you see in the night sky is in our galaxy, including the Moon, so the galaxy is much bigger.

Which is biggest a planetary nebula a planetary system or a galaxy?

The galaxis are bigger than planetary nebulae, that are bigger than planetary systems.

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Is the earth bigger than the milky way?

No, the Milkey Way is the galaxy that Earth is in.

What is the difference between a nebula and a galaxy?

A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants interspersed with a medium of gas, dust, and dark matter.A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases.However, in some older Astronomy literature, all "fuzzy objects" were called nebula, even if they were technically galaxies. This is because scientists had not yet established that galaxies were, in fact, objects outside the Milky Way.They were presumed to be among the local gas & dust objects in our own galaxy. Edwin Hubble made the essential determination that some "nebulae" were considerably further away than other objects in the milky way and were, in fact, separate galaxies.

What are the similarities between a Nebula and a Supernova?

Not much other than that they both emit light in large quantities.A nebula is a grouping of billions of stars, while a supernova is a single star exploding at a stage in its development.Comments: That meaning of "nebula" as a galaxy (or a star cluster within a galaxy) is a bit out of date now. Nowadays a nebula usually means a cloud of gas and dust. It doesn't usually emit much light.Actually there is a connection between a supernova and a nebula.Some of the stuff found in nebulae comes from supernova explosions.

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How much further is Pluto from the sun than the Earth? Answer:Pluto is 5,763,920,000 km further than the sun, than Earth

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Mars is 78.3 million kilometers further away from the Sun than the Earth is.