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Nunc pro tunc means "now for then", it's a correction.

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What does interlineation nunc pro tunc means?

"Nunc pro tunc" means "then as now." It is changing the terms of a court order retroactively.

Washington state divorce law what is pro tonk?

I believe that you mean "Nunc Pro tunc" which pertains to divorce papers that were improperly (or never) filed by either the court or a party of the divorce. (after the interlocutory judgment has been granted), the result being that the parties to the divorce were never actually divorced or rather that the divorce never became final. In a case such as this, if one of the parties actually got married after they percieved that they were divorced, later finding out that they were never divorced, then they would petition the court originaly hearing the case to issue a "nunc pro tunc" order to grant the divorce retroactive to the earlier date. The literal meaning of Nunc Pro Tunc is "now for later" (latin)

Will your appeal be overturned if your appeal was dismissed for being late?

Try appealing, Nunc Pro Tunc. That means, "I should have filed within this time, I did not and here is the reason why". Basically, if you file an appeal with 30 days, Nunc Pro Tunc, with a good reason WHY you were late, they will allow this appeal. So, if you are within this time period, try appealing through this method.

What does the Latin word tunc mean in English?

Tunc is the adverb then.

When did Irène Tunc die?

Irène Tunc died on 1972-01-16.

When was Irène Tunc born?

Irène Tunc was born on 1935-09-25.

How did ece tunc become ugly?

well....... she didn't become ugly, she already was, is and forvever will be R.I.P Ece Tunc!

Who is Hashmat Karzai?

Tunc's Grandad

Why is ece tunc ugly?

Ece Tunc has broken the world record... THE UGLIEST HUMAN ON THE PLANET!!! She is ugly because she had plastic surgery when she was young so now her face is HORRIBLY UGLY!!!

How do you say our love is forever in latin?

You can look it up on many translation sites online. Such as I typed it in and looked it up. I got "ego diligo vos iam tunc quod forever Mos vos matrimonium mihi?" :)

Who won the the the first silver medal in Ausralian?

Ece Tunc is ugly.

Can a royal flush be with any of the four signs?

Maybe and Ece Tunc is ugly.