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Q: Is a oxeye daisy named after a old English name called days eye?
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What flower is also called the marguerite?

The oxeye daisy.

What is the flower of Latvia?

The national flower of Latvia is the oxeye daisy. The scientific name of the oxeye daisy is Leucanthemum Vulgare. It is a grassland wildflower that grows in meadows and fields.

Why is a daisy also called a margaret or a marguerite?

That Daisy is a nickname for the feminine proper name Margaret and that marguerite is a French equivalent for daisy and for oxeye daisy account for daisies also being called margarets and marguerites. Daisy also serves as a common designation for the Asteraceae or Compositae family of asters, composites, daisies and sunflowers. The modern English word traces back to the Old English phrase dæges eage for "day's eye" since daisy petals open at dawn and shut at dusk.

Why are the tips of daisies pink?

Daisy,any of several species of garden plants belonging to the family Asteraceae (also called Compositae). The name daisy commonly denotes the oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) and the English, or true, daisy (Bellis perennis).B.perennis is the one with pink petals however not allways as the same mother plant can have both pink and white flowers.

Is a daisy a type of wild flower?

Certain daisies are classified as wildflowers. Some of those considered wildflowers are the African Daisy, the Gloiosa Daisy, the OxEye Daisy, and the Shasta Daisy.

National animal of Latvia?

The White Wagtail is the national animal of Latvia.

What is a oxeye sunflower?

The oxeye sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides) is also called false sunflower, rough heliopsis, hardy zinnia and orange sunflower. This 3-5 foot plant is a perennial of the sunflower genus, which looks more like a yellow daisy than a sunflower.

What is a flower called a marguerite?


Eurasian plant with daisy like flower heads with yellow rays and dark centres?


Is an ox-eyed Dasiy an aster?

The scientific name of oxeye daisy is Leucanthemum vulgare. It is a member of the family Asteraceae but is not in the genus Aster.

Where did the oxeye daisy come from?

It is a widespread plant native to Europe and the temperate regions of Asia and an introduced plant into North America, Australia and New Zealand

What flowers begin with the letter O?

Although there aren't many, one is the Solidago flower.