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A bee is in the same order as a wasp, Hymenoptera, and even in the same sub-order, Apocrita, but there are over 25,000 varieties of each with differences between them so this can only be a broad outline. There are similarities between bees and wasps, but there are also some significant differences. First, the similarities: Their body shape is similar and they both have larvae which look like maggots. They also both have modified ovipositors which they use to sting and inject venom.

The differences are:

* Coloring. Wasps are usually bright yellow and black; bees tend to have more muted colors. * Body: A bee's body is rounder and ususally covered with hairs; a wasp's body is usually slender and smooth. * Legs: A bee's legs are covered in hairs; a wasp's legs have few hairs. * Diet: Bees are vegetarian and live on pollen and nectar; wasps are carniverous and are predators or parasites of other insects, or scavengers.

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Q: Is a paper wasp the same as a Common wasp?
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Are wasp and bees the same?

no, one make honey and wasp do not and

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About 1/2 pound. :)

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6 months