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Q: Is a periodontal pocket measurement of 4MM inducative of severe bone loss?
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What are the symptoms of neutropenia?

Neutropenia has no specific symptoms except the severity of the patient's current infection. In severe neutropenia, the patient is likely to develop periodontal disease, oral and rectal ulcers, fever, and bacterial pneumonia. Fever.

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You were in an accident your car is a lease and it was your fault and you have no insurance what is going to happen?

You are going to have to pay all cost out of pocket. Also you may be given a severe ticket for driving without insurance.

How do you stop gums bleeding?

Gums bleed mainly for two reasons. Either you have a disease called scurvy, caused by severe deficiency of vitamin C (eat some fruit), or more likely, you have periodontal disease and you need better oral hygiene, and very likely, should see a dentist and have your teeth cleaned.

Description of necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis?

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) is a condition characterized by severe inflammation and infection of the periodontal tissues. Periodontal tissues refer to any of the tissues that suupport and surround the teeth, including the gums and the bone surrounding the roots of the teeth. Symptoms of ANUG include severe inflammation, swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. Halitosis (bad breath) and exudate (pus) may also be present, as well as an actual loss of the gum and bone tissue, which occurs as a result of necrosis, or death, of the tissue. It should be noted that ANUG is not like the usual forms of periodontal disease seen in many patients; it is much more severe, progressive, and difficult to treat. Again, ANUG is rare, and is typically only found in patients with underlying systemic conditions that affect the body's ablity to heal itself, such as uncontrolled diabetes or HIV/AIDS. ANUG is fairly rare today, but was common years ago. The condition is also called 'trench mouth' because it was commonly seen in soldiers in WWI and WWII who were in the 'trenches' for long periods of time and suffered from malnutrition, poor dental hygiene, and of course, intense stress.

Could a crowned tooth that had a repeat root canal done get infected 2 yrs later which is causing severe throbbing pain and I can't even chew on that side?

Yes, go see a dentist. The crown may have leaked around the margin or you could have a bad margin on the crown that cuasead a periodontal (gum) problem.

What are some features of Assurant health insurance?

According to some blogs I have read, I would not buy Assurant health insurance. It seems like they do not cover severe medical issues and are not good about posting your out of pocket costs to the deductible.

Can dogs have trench mouth?

Yes. Trench Mouth is a common term for Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis or Stomatitis. This is a severe infection of the oral cavity, usually bacterial, but may be complicated by the presence of yeast and or fungus, along with a compromised immune system. The dog typically has severe halitosis, ulcers in the mouth and the disease is progressive. Treatment consists of intraoral radiographs to rule out periodontal disease, followed by thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums, antibiotic therapy, good quality nutrition and immune support.

How long do depressionlast for?

Depression can last anywhere from an hour to your whole life. Most are just a few days, maybe a week. It depends on your situation though, what happened, and how severe it is. See a professional for an exact measurement, though.

What is ANABAR?

Anabar Oral is used to treat the following: Toothache, Painful Periods, Mild Pain associated with Arthritis, Backache, Muscle Pain, Fever, Pain, Head Pain The following side effects are associated with Anabar Oral: Common side effects:An Increase in the Thickness of Lung Secretions Less Severe Drowsiness Less Severe Infrequent side effects:Conditions of Excess Stomach Acid Secretion Less Severe Irritation of the Stomach or Intestines Less Severe Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe Throwing Up Less Severe Heartburn Less Severe Rare side effects:Bronchospasm Severe Stomach or Intestinal Ulcer Severe Hepatitis Severe Hepatitis caused by Drugs Severe Bleeding of the Stomach or Intestines Severe Kidney Failure Severe White Blood Cells in Urine Not from Infection Severe Inflammation of Skin caused by an Allergy Severe Redness of Skin Severe Hallucination Severe Fit Severe Wheezing Severe Trouble Breathing Severe Severe Lower Back Pain from Kidney Stones Severe Life Threatening Allergic Reaction Severe Giant Hives Severe Reaction due to an Allergy Severe A Rupture in the Wall of the Stomach or Intestine Severe Hemolytic Anemia Severe Anemia Severe Decreased Blood Platelets Severe Deficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood Cell Severe Blood Disorder Severe Nightmares Less Severe Blurred Vision Less Severe Problems with Eyesight Less Severe Ringing in the Ears Less Severe Dryness of the Nose Less Severe Dry Mouth Less Severe Sun-Sensitive Skin Less Severe Itching Less Severe Hives Less Severe Dizzy Less Severe Excessive Sweating Less Severe Involuntary Quivering Less Severe Rash Less Severe Loss of Appetite Less Severe Head Pain Less Severe Throat Dryness Less Severe Fast Heartbeat Less Severe Difficult or Painful Urination Less Severe Stomach Cramps Less Severe Nervous Less Severe Confused Less Severe Over Excitement Less Severe

How do you use the word severe in a short sentence?

There is a severe shortage of gas.Murder is a very severe crime.There will be a severe rise in temperature.

How severe is a quake measuring 2.9?

not that severe.... 6.5. and above is severe