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Q: Is a physician able to detect homeostatic imbalances by the skin color?
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True or false a physician is often able to detect homeostatic imbalances in the body by observing changes in the skin color?


A physician is often able to detect homeostatic imbalances in the body by observing changes in the skin color?

Yes, changes in skin color can be indicative of various health conditions such as anemia, liver disease, or circulation problems. Skin discoloration can provide important clues to underlying health issues and help a physician diagnose and treat homeostatic imbalances.

What eye cell does not detect color?

The rods in the retina of the eyes are sensitive to low levels of light and movement. The cones are the ones that are sensitive to color and intensity, so the rods do not see color.

Why are you seeing colors at all?

Because your eyes have cones that detect color. Rods detect black and white.

What color do you perceive when your eyes detect no light?


What are the cells of the retina that detect color?

cones for color,rod are for black and white

What light sensitive cells in the eye detct color?

The cones, located in the retina, detect color.

If you was color blind could you serve in Vietnam?

Apparently color blind people were sent in first, since they are naturally able to detect the contrast of camouflaged enemies in the jungle areas as opposed to normal people who would detect the color as blended in.

What cells in the eye detect light and dark but not color?

Rods are for seeing light and dark, cones are for seeing color.

How sensors are used?

Sensors are used to detect things, such as motion, light, or color.

What color does you eye responed to when you look at a green leaf?

Green - except that your eye doesn't detect "color", just relative frequency. Your brain encodes that into color.

What are some ways to find out if money is real?

there are pens that can detect color change if there real