

Is a pickle liike a cucumber?

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14y ago

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A pickle is a cucumber. It has been "pickled" or soaked in vinegar and other spices.

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14y ago
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Q: Is a pickle liike a cucumber?
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What part of a cucumber makes a pickle?

The entire cucumber is made into a pickle.

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No, but you can cucumber a pickle

A small cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar?

a cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar is called a pickle

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Your a sour pickle

What is the difference between a pickle and a pickle?

A pickle is a marinated cucumber. To be in a pickle is to be in a jam, in a problem situation.

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a pickle

How a pickle is grown?

Its a cucumber -_-

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The pickle

Is a pickle just a salted cucumber?

A pickle is a cucumber that has been cooked in vinegar. It is not salted, and once it cools down, it is packaged in a jar.

Is a pickle really a soaked cucumber?

NO. A pickle is a pickled cucumber. :P so yeah. they are! Though technically anything that has been pickled (soaked in a brine or vinegar solution for long keeping) is a called a pickled. but in layman's terms a pickle is a cucumber.

What classification of organism is the pickle?

The pickle is actually a cucumber so it would be a vegetable

What color is a pickle?

It is green but it startes out as a cucumber