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Q: Is a precursor for bile a feature of cholesterol?
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What are synthesized from cholesterol?

Cholesterol is the precursor of bile acid, steroid hormones and vitamin D.

What important molecule is derived from cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a precursor for other important steroid molecules: the bile salts, steroid hormones, and vitamin D. -Gem :)

What are two ways cholesterol is helpful?

Cholesterol is the principal sterol of vertebrate tissues, especially in brain, spinal cord, fats or oils, and an important precursor of bile acids and steroid hormones, such as progestins, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, and estrogens.

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What does bile contained?

bile contains cholesterol and digestive acids

What are the three ingredients of bile?

Cholesterol, IgA, bile acids

Gallstones are usually composed of?

Bile is the major vehicle for cholesterol excretion from the body, and bile salt keeps the cholesterol dissolved within bile. to much cholesterol or to little bile salt is what causes gallstones to happen. they are made up of cholesterol. see page 885 anatomy and physiology 8th

How does the drug Colestipol affect cholesterol levels in the blood?

Colestipol is not absorbed into body because this drug prevents the absorption of bile acids which are produced by the cholesterol. The major impact that they are used for is being used in adjunction to help reduce the Low-Density Lipoprotiens, the "bad cholesterol." Because bile acids are formed in the liver from the cholesterol, it is then secreted back into the bile as the bile enters the intestines to be recycled through the same process. This promoting of elimination of bile acids, colesyipol pushes the liver converting more cholesterol into more bile acids to replace the ones lost. Blocks the absorption of cholesterol from the bowel. Bile salts change to cholesterol . The drug prevents the binding of bile salts to the cholesterol, so that the cholesterol can be excreted in the bowel.

Can bile be synthesized by cholesterol?

Yes, bile acids are synthesized in the liver.

What are characteristics of cholesterol?

It is found in abundance in tropical fats such as palm oil B) It is a precursor for bile and vitamin D synthesis C) It is absorbed directly into the blood D) It is not formed in the body when provided by the diet

What is the composition of bile?

In addition to water, bile contains bile salts, bile pigments (bilirubin and biliverdin), cholesterol, and electrolytes.