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Protists can be unicellular or in a colony of similar organisms but do not differentiate into tissues. They are eukaryotes.

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Q: Is a protista unicellular or multicellular?
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Which cell kingdom includes both multicellular and unicellular organisms?

Fungi and Protista.

Is kingdom fungi unicellular or multicellular?

It contains both. Kingdom Protista is a large and very diverse group of organisms and can live as unicellular, multicellular, and in some cases, colonial cells.

Kingdom made up of unicellular eukaryotes?

Protista. However, not all members of the kingdom protista are unicellular. Some may be multicellular, or may even live in colonies. Some members of fungi are also unicellular, such as yeast.

Are ciliates unicellular or multi cellular?

Protists include unicellular, colonial and multicellular organisms Most protists are unicellular although (only one group) can be multicellular. There are types of algae, green algae known as Ulva, that are multicellular protists. They begin as colonies of unicellular protists known as Volvax, but the ones that break away are the multicellular version. The multicellular protists are without any specialized tissues. Protists used to be considered soley unicellular. Now that the molecular information has been redifined, protists are both unicellular and multicellular. .

In which domain would multicellular organism be classified and explain your answer?

all organisms were classified as either plants or animals. The only domain with multicellular organisms is the domain Eukarya, which contains the 4 kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Protista and Fungi are the only kingdoms that have both unicellular and multicellular organisms.