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Yes it is different. Ion contain more protons.

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Q: Is a proton different than a positive ion?
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Is a positive proton different than a positive ion?

A positive ion is a type of atom with less electrons than usual. A proton is a subatomic particle that makes up atoms.

What has a positive ion?

A proton has a positive electric charge.

What do you call an atom where the number of electrons is different from the number of protons?

An ion. If electrons are in excess over proton then it is negative ion. And if less then positive ion

What is different between a sodium ion and a neon atom?

The sodium ion has one more proton than neon and 2 more neutrons. It has a positive charge where neon is neutral but they both do have 10 electrons

Why is the H plus ion referred to as a proton?

Because it is a proton. A hydrogen atom is a proton and an electron; if you take the electron away to form a positive ion, all that's left is the proton.

The positive subatomic particle is the?

This partice is called atomic nucleus.

When an atom has different amounts of protons and electrons it is called an?

An Ion. An ion can have an overall positive or negative charge. The negative charge of an electron exactly cancels the positive charge of a proton, so when an atom has an equal number of both, it carries zero charge. An ion with more protons than electrons has a positive charge, and is more specifically termed a cation. An ion that has more electrons than protons, and therefore a negative overall charge, is called an anion.

What element is a proton?

A single proton (not part of a larger nucleus) is the same as a positive hydrogen ion.

How is a positive ion different than ion?

An ion may have either a positive charge or a negative charge. So there term "positive ion" simply tells which of the two general types it belongs to.

Which atomic component has the same charge as a singly ionized positive ion?

A proton has the same electrical charge as a singly ionized positive ion.

What are electrically neautral proton neautron ion electron none of these?

neutron is neutral, proton is positive electron is negative

A tiny particle with a positive charge?

That may be a proton, a positive ion, or any of a host of other particles.