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Q: Does the ion enable a neutron to change into a proton and an electron in certain unstable atoms?
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Can subatomic particles be further subdivided?

SOME sub-atomic particles will decay into other particles. For example, a neutron will spontaneously change into a proton, an electron, and a neutrino.

What is the same as the number of protons in its nucleus?

The number of protons in an atomic nucleus can change by several different mechanisms. Let's look at each one and see what happens.In an atom with "too many" protons in its nucleus, that unstable atom can undergo what is called beta decay. There are two types of beta decay, and the one that could happen here goes by the name beta plus decay. In beta plus decay, a proton in the nucleus of that unstable atom transforms into a neutron. A positron and an antineutrino will be ejected from the nucleus, and the number of protons will have gone down by one. If you guessed that nuclear transmutation has just occurred where one element has transformed into another one, you'd be correct.In some other unstable atoms with "too many" protons in the nucleus, that nucleus could under an electron capture event. In electron capture, the nucleus "pulls in" a nearby electron from one of the inner shells of the atom, and that electron "combines" with a proton to become a neutron. Again, the number of protons in the nucleus goes down by one, and nuclear transmutation has occurred.Lastly, it is possible to bombard atomic nuclei with particles and "knock" protons out of a nucleus that is "hit" by the bombarding particles. There are a few different activities that are carried out in nuclear physics labs to do this, but we'll leave it here for now. Just keep in mind that beta plus decay and electron capture are the two primary methods that unstable nuclei undergo when they change the number of protons they have. Links to related questions can be found below for more information.

How are the atomic mass unit change of an electron expressed in scientific notation?

The mass of electron is 5,485 799 090 70(16)×10−4 amu.

How many electrons are found orbiting the nucleus of an atom of Gallium?

It has 31 electrons. The easiest way to find an electron is that the atomic number tells you how many protons and electrons on the periodic table. It will change if the element is an ion which will gain or lose an electron.

What is the change in atomic number when an atom emits a positron?

Emitting a positron, turns a proton into a neutron. So the atomic number goes down by 1, while the mass number remains the same.

Related questions

When a neutron decays what does it form?

Outside the nucleus, free neutrons are unstable and have a mean lifetime of 885.7±0.8 s (about 15 minutes), decaying by emission of a negative electron and antineutrino to become a proton: : n0 → p+ + e− + νe

Does a neutron have electrons in it?

Adding an electron to a proton makes a neutron. The neutron is unstable outside of a nucleus and will usually decay to a proton and an electron. But the neutron is viewed as a particle in its own right, not a combination. At a deeper level, it is a change to the quarks that compose protons or neutrons, though not electrons. And that's probably not the whole story. Quarks have one-third or two-thirds of the electron's charge, and it is very precise. This would suggest something more basic, but no one yet has an accepted theory for what.

What is electron capture?

Simply put, electron capture is a nuclear change that an atom might undergo when there are "too many" protons in its nucleus. This atom is unstable, and an electron from an inner orbit will actually be "pulled into" the nucleus. Once there, the electron will "combine" with a proton, and the proton will be transformed into a neutron. This will result in the formation of a new element as a result of the nuclear transformation.

What happens when an atom gains or loses a neutron?

If this were to happen, which for most nuclei would be unbelievably unlikely, it would form a different isotope of the same element. I can't offhand think of any way a nucleus could gain or lose a neutron without something else happening at the same time. A neutron can change into a proton by emitting an electron (and an electron antineutrino), or a proton can absorb an electron and change into a neutron, but in both of these cases there's more going on than just the neutron number of the nucleus changing.

Can the Charge or orbit or mass of a proton or electron or neutron be change by any external or internal force?

intrinsic and quantised.

What happens to the rest of the atom that does not change to nuclear energy?

When the atom undergoes a radioactive transformation, such as emitting a neutron, it will now be a new isotope of the same atom;OR if it emitted an electron, it will be the same mass of an adjacent (on the periodic table) element. (Because it has one less electron in the shell.)"change into nuclear energy" is not quite the right concept. The neutron is still a genuine neutron, but it has a half-life of about 10 minutes, after which it becomes a proton and an electron, with the binding energy given off.Energy is energy, kW or Joules or whatever.

Why doesnt the mass number change when electrons are added or removed?

The mass of an electron is very small, almost negligible, compared to that of a proton or neutron.

What makes a proton change to a electron?

A proton never changes to an electron just as a dog never changes to a cat, they are completely different things really. In beta decay a neutron may decay into a proton and emit and electron and an anti-neutrino but that is about it.

Protons neutrons and electrons of beryllium?

what do you mean the "colors" they don't have any specific colors What we perceive as colors is due to how the material interacts with light. A proton is a proton. An electron is an electron. A neutron is a neutron. They don't change character depending on which element they are in.

Do protons and neutrons have nearly the same mass?

No, the proton and neutron don't have the same mass. A neutron is about 1.00138 times as heavy as a proton. The neutron is just a bit bigger, as you can see, and when a free neutron decays, it releases a proton and an electron. It might be said that a proton plus an electron equals a neutron, but you might not be able to get a physicist to say that. Links can be found below for more information.

What are the changes on each subatomic particle?

Do you mean Charges? There is the Proton which has a positive or + charge. An electron which has a negative or - charge. And a nuetron that has no charge. There are other sub-subatomic particles i don't think they have charges though.... not sure on that one.

What happen when electron change energy level?

When electrons change energy levels they usually become more stable. Sometimes when electrons change energy levels they become unstable though.