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Q: Is a pulley system an example of gravitational potential energy?
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How does a pulley store potential energy?


Why is working with a pulley a lot easier?

because the gravitational energy of the load is absorbed by the pulley, so all effort is put into lifting the object as opposed to keeping it in the air

Give an example of a pulley?

A wheel is an example of pulley

Is mechanical kinetic energy or potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy that can be released, but has not been released yet. Ex. Sitting at the top of a slide is potential energy. You will eventually have to go down. Kinetic energy is the energy that is being released at any moment. Ex. As you slide down the slide kinetic energy is released.

How does a pulley save energy?

A pulley does not save energy; it merely changes the direction of the force.

How does energy flow when a pulley is used to lift a box?

When the pully is not active, it is using potential energy. But when a person or a machine uses the pully, they use force to make Kinetic Energy and to lift the box....but that's what i know so far...but i . :)

What is an example of a fixed pulley?

An example of a fixed pulley would be a well. This is a fixed pulley because the pulley doesn't move even though it is attached to an object.

What type of energy does a pulley require?

A pulley on its own does not require any energy, as it's not doing anything.

What is the relationship with kinetic energy and potential energy?

When the example of pendulum is considered, from the topic of simple harmonic motion (SHM) potential and kinetic energy becomes very important. Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its flow and potential energy is the energy of an object due to its height.At various points in swinging pendulum following relation ship is used:mgh = 1/2mv2Where m= mass, h = height, g = gravitational constant and , v = velocity.

Is pulley an engineering machine?

No it is not. A belt, for example, goes around a pulley.

Is a fishing pole an example of a pulley?


What is an example of a pulley in a bathroom?
