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yes its good it means they are content and relaxed , you make get mistaken for teeth chattering and purring , teeth chattering is normally to warn off another guinea pig but one of mine does it to me too sometimes so be careful you can pick them up and stuff but just try to relax the guinea pig if they teeth chatter

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Q: Is a purr sound from a guinea pig good?
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Is it good for guinea pigs to purr?

Yes this generally means your guinea pig is happy and content.

What does it mean when Guinea pigs pur?

When a guinea pig purrs it means it is happy and guinea pig used to purr every time I picked her up and snuggled into her ears....

What noise does a guinea pig make when they are mating?

They purr and shake their hips. This is the mating dance.

My guinea pig purrs two different ways when i rub it on the back it's a rough purr but when i rub it on the head it's a soft curious kind of purr what's the difference between the two purrs?

The rough purr means the guinea pig enjoys it so thoroughly and with all of its heart. The soft purr means it likes the feeling of whatever is happening to it.

What do guinea pig purring noises sound like?

It sounds like a cats purr! its great to hear guinea pigs purr, it meens they love you. please do not confuse it with growling. . . guinea pigs will not growl. Hope this helped i hope your guinea pigs purring for you. i have 2 that purr non stop! one purrs if i pet it, and the other purrs if it has food and i stroke him.

How do you make a guinea pig purr?

you need to give it lots, and LOTS and love and attention. once you play with it or pet it they will start to "purr" which is like their happy noise. - sak :)

Why do guinea pigs sqeack when you pet them?

Purrs are often made when you are stroking them or having them on your lap. My guinea pig does it all the time when I am stroking or rubbing her. However, do not get this confused with the "mate call". My guinea pig purrs because I will stroke his fur backwards (on purpose to make him purr) so it is like a chill to them.

What does a purring noise mean in a guinea pig language?

This means a guinea pig is experiencing pleasure, enjoyment, or excitement. You will hear this noise when you pet your guinea pig or feeding it a treat. If you hear this noise suddenly when you are not petting your guinea pig it is afraid or it feels threatened. They purr if they hear a loud noise: a telephone ring or a knock on the door.

How do youmake a girl guinea pig purr?

Maybe you say something loud or knock

Can you feed your guinea pig kale?

yes.kale is a good treat for your guinea pig.

What is a guinea pig chutter?

its a sound a guinea pigs makes that means its angry.

How did guinea pig's get their name?

They got their name because when first discovered by Europeans guinea pig's made a high screeching sound like a pig.