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No, that would be an example of external stimulus. The fox is external to the rabbit.

Internal stimulus is stimuli that comes from inside our own bodies, for example:

my stomach is empty and this stimulates my stomach to "growls" so I go and find something to eat.

External stimulus is stimuli that comes from outside our own bodies, for example:

I walk past a hamburger shop and the smells stimulates nose and makes my mouth water for a "Big Mac" or a "Whopper", so I go inside and order the "full meal deal".

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Q: Is a rabbit runs away from a fox an example of an internal stimulus?
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If a cat is chasing a mouse the mouse will usually respond by running away and hiding. What kind of stimulus is this?


Will a pet cat hurt your pet rabbit?

A large rabbit can kill a housecat in a fight, though they are fairly evenly matched. A cat will attempt to kill a large animal by leaping onto its back and biting its neck. If the rabbit manages to get itself turned around, it can kick very powerfully with its hind feet, either driving the cat off and away or, sometimes, doing fatal damage.

Why do bunnies run away?

Rabbits run away for all sorts of reasons.A rabbit that runs away from its owner (or another person, or another pet) when approached could be frightened or anxious, or it could be angry, or it could be playing a game.Don't chase your rabbit. Some rabbits do like being chased as a game, but by far most don't enjoy it because rabbits are prey animals and chasing them can make them think of predators. Rabbits are very susceptible to stress, and a high-stress lifestyle can make them very sick; an incident of extreme high stress can even kill a rabbit (like being stalked by a predator, even if they're "safe" inside a cage). The key is to know your rabbit.If your rabbit runs away from you, let her go: don't force her to cuddle or socialize. Take some time to learn about how to increase your rabbit's sense of security, and how to reduce her stress. Getting your rabbit to trust you can take time.A rabbit that escapes from its area and "runs away from home" isn't really running away; it's just being a rabbit, digging and exploring and hopping around. If your rabbit lives outside, you have to make sure that you have a secure yard that your bunny can't get out of, and you have to check on the bunny regularly.See the related questions below for more details and helpful links.

Why does my dwarf rabbit run away from other big rabbit when they meet making noises?

Your dwarf rabbit is probably afraid of your larger rabbit. You should consider supervised bonding time where neither has the chance to attack the other. If your smaller rabbit can overcome its fear through repeated exposure, your rabbits will probably learn to be good friends. You will have to simply give it time and reassure your dwarf rabbit that he's not going to be hurt. The House Rabbit Society has some good tips on bonding rabbits (

Can you disinfect a rabbit hutch with javex?

It is best to go to a pet shop and get a rabbit/animal friendly disinfectant, but you could also use javex, or most other disinfectants but you have to wait until the hutch is COMPLETELY dry until you put the rabbit back in. You can also clean a rabbit hutch with white vinegar. You can sprinkle a bit of baking soda in the places where is still has an unpleasant odor.

Related questions

What is the reaction to a stimulus by a muscle or gland called?

A stimulus can be internal or external. An example of an internal stimulus is feeling hunger or feeling the need to urinate. An example of an external stimulus is hearing a loud noise or touching a hot object.A response is what you to voluntarily or involuntarily in response. Your response to hunger is to eat. Your response to touching a hot object is to jerk you hand away reflexively.

Identify and describe how an organism could respond to an external stimulus and describe a response to an internal stimulus?

An example of an external stimulus is a painful prick (and any other stimulus that happens OUT side the organism ). The organism could respond by pulling away from the pain caused by the stimuli. An example of an internal stimulus is the feeling of hunger or thirst (or any other stimulus that happens IN side the organism). The organism could respond by eating or drinking. a behavior

What is an example of a stimulus and and response?

stimulus= touching something hot response= moving hand away :)

What are some actions that are automatic responses to stimulus?

Example: Touching something hot - stimulus. Pull hand away- response.

What is a plant's movement away from or toward a stimulus?

Tropism is the movement of a plant away from or toward a stimulus. The most easily found example of tropism is a plant's response to light. Plants tend to grow toward the light. This tendency is called 'phototropism'.

As you are cooking your hand brushes up against a hot pan. You quickly pull your hand away. What type of stimulus is this?


When a chemical is added to a microscope slide with a live paramecium the paramecium moves away from the chemical This movement is an example of?

Negative chemotaxis, which refers to the movement of an organism away from a chemical stimulus. In this case, the paramecium is exhibiting a negative response by moving away from the chemical added to the microscope slide.

When a chemical is added to a microscope slide with a live paramecium the paramecium moves away from the chemical. This movement is an example of?

its an example of a response to a stimulus.

What is an example of spatial diffusion?

spatial diffusion is the way in which people, things,and technology are distributed over the space in the earth's surfaces. examples people can migrates from his/her home original to another areas due to economic issues, marriage,security and administrative system. Also technology can move from developed countries to developing countries like from European countries to African countries.

Do graded potentials increase amplitude as they move away from the stimulus?

No, they actually decrease in amplitude as they move away from the stimulus point.

What is the simplest behavior where a stimulus provokes an atomic response?

The simplest behavior where a stimulus provokes an atomic response is a reflex. This is an involuntary, automatic response to a stimulus without conscious thought. For example, when your hand touches a hot surface, your reflex action is to pull your hand away immediately.

What will happen if a dog bark at a rabbit?

then the rabbit will run away