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  • A stimulus can be internal or external. An example of an internal stimulus is feeling hunger or feeling the need to urinate. An example of an external stimulus is hearing a loud noise or touching a hot object.
  • A response is what you to voluntarily or involuntarily in response. Your response to hunger is to eat. Your response to touching a hot object is to jerk you hand away reflexively.
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Q: What is the reaction to a stimulus by a muscle or gland called?
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What the reaction to a stimulus by a muscle gland?

A Response

Does brain have nerve?

The nervous system is made up of three parts: the receptor, the decider, and the effector. The receptor receives an stimulus and creates an electric impulse to be sent to the brain. The brain receives this impulse and decides what to do in order to react to the stimulus. Your brain then makes a decision and sends out an electric impulse to the effector which moves the muscle or activates a gland in your body which is a reaction to the stimulus.

What are the categorys of endocrine gland stimulus?

hormonal, humeral, and neural.

What does each part of the cell do?

The dendrites receive the stimulus, the soma, or cyton, which contains the nucleus interprets the signal, and the axon and its terminals send the signal to another nerve cell, a muscle, or a gland.

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What neuron moves the impulses to the brain?

The brain is the control, and the whole reaction of a reflex arc starts with a stimulus, ie, touching a hot flame, the detector of this stimulus being the receptor. The electrical impulses travel through the sensory neuron to which it is then carried to the synapse (impulses reach the brain) the energy is then transferred across the synapse, to the relay neuron and then to the motor neuron, finally reaching the effector, (mainly muscle or gland) to move away the body part.

What job does each organ in the nervous system do?

The dendrites receive the stimulus, the soma, or cyton, which contains the nucleus interprets the signal, and the axon and its terminals send the signal to another nerve cell, a muscle, or a gland.

What sends an impulse to a muscle or gland?


What is the gland that produces a hormone that is involved in the reaction to fearful and stressful situations?

Adrenal gland

What is the prostate gland made of?

The prostate gland is composed of smooth muscle cells, glandular cells, and cells that give the gland structure

Autonomic nerves innervate what three things?

Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Gland

The efferent division of the peripheral nervous system innervates?

A muscle or a gland. Efferent fibers carry information away from the CNS to innervate tissues that perform functions; such as a gland, a smooth muscle, a skeletal muscle, or cardiac muscle. The antonym to efferent would be afferent.