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Q: Is a record the smallest storage element within the database?
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What sequence represents the hierarchy of terms from smallest to largest from field record database and table?

field, record, table, database

What is the smallest unit of information you can access in a database?

The smallest unit of information you can access in a database is typically a single data element within a specific field of a record or a single cell in a table. It could be a single piece of data such as a number, text, date, or boolean value.

What is the smallest element in data hierarchy?

D smallest element in data hierarchy is FIELD.REASON: It (field) is d smallest bit of information found in a record.

What is the difference between record and database?

A record is a single row of data within a database that contains information about a specific entity. A database is a collection of records organized in a structured format that allows for storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data. In other words, a database is like a container that holds records.

In a database what is the smallest unit of data a user can accesses?

The smallest unit of data a user can access in a database is typically a single cell or field within a table or record. This could be a specific piece of information, such as a name, date, or value.

Which one of the following places the common data elements in order from largest to smallest?

Bit, byte, character, record, field, tile, database.

What technology is used for replication?

There are 4 parts of technology that are used to replication. The 4 levels are storage, database, record bases and statement based.

Explain Internal Level of a database?

The internal level of a database represents how data is physically stored and organized within the database system. It deals with details such as data structures, storage methods, indexing techniques, and algorithms used for data retrieval and manipulation. Database management systems use the internal level to efficiently manage the storage and retrieval of data at a low level.

What is am entry of a database?

An entry in a database is referred to as a "record."

In a relational database each row is called what?

In a relational database, each row is called a record. It represents a single entity or object, with each column containing specific attributes or properties of that entity. The combination of rows and columns form a table which allows for structured data storage and retrieval.

What is a databse record?

Database is a collection of interrelated data. One entry in a database is referred as one record.

What does the term record mean in database?

A record is equivalent to a row in a database, a collection of fields that are associated.