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Q: Is a road way is a physical weathering or chemical weathering?
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How do physical weathering and chemical weathering affect rocks in the same way.?

Physical weathering and chemical weathering both break down rocks.

What Examples of physical weathering and chemical weathering?

An example of Physical Weathering is plant wedging, where a plant finds its way into a rock and its roots wedge the rock apart. An example of Chemical Weathering is Acid Rain, where chemicals in the clouds caused by global warming rain down and dissolve rocks. Thousands of years of acid rain can result in discoloring and the breaking down of rocks.

How are mechanical and chemical weathering related?

mechanical weathering and chemical weathering are related because their both are types of weathering

How does physical and chemical weathering combine to affect rocks?

they both shape the earths surface and so in that way it shapes rocks. Mechanical weathering has release of pressure freezing and thawing and so on and so on

What is one way that chemical weathering and mechanical weathering can influence each other?

dis web site stinks

What does chemical and physical weathering have in common?

Physical weathering physically breaks down the rock, whereas chemical weathering breaks down the rock through chemical changes. For example, physical weathering could break down rock through ice wedging, which occurs when water seeps through the cracks in the rock, freezes, and expands, causing the rock to crack. Chemical weathering could be when oxidation (rusting) occurs, when metal is exposed to water and oxygen. Either way they both break down rock.

What are the different types of chemical weathering?

. There is Chemical, Biological and Physical Chemical is when acid rain weathers the rock Biological is when a plant grows in a rock and the plant roots grow into the rock (it breaks its way through) Physical is when something hits the rock and slowly it breaks away this more like erosion

Which is one way that mechanical weathering influences chemical weathering?

Acids in the rain create holes in the rock, which allows water to get inside for ice wedging.

Which is one way that chemical weathering influences mechanical weathering?

Acids in the rain create holes in the rock, which allows water to get inside for ice wedging.

When people plow build or change the land in some way what occurs?

physical weathering

Is evaporation a chemical or a physical?

Evaporation is an example of a physical change, as the chemical composition of the substance is not altered in any way.

Is a rock falling from a cliff a chemical or mechanical weathering?

It is a physical change.