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Chemical - It's the iron atoms reacting with the oxygen atoms in the air. For future reference, a chemical change is irreversible, whereas a physical change can be reversed, usually quite easily.

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Q: Is a rusting bicycle a chemica or physical change?
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Is a rusting bicycle is a physical change?


Is a rusting bicycle a physical change or a chemical change?

physical change

Is a rusting bicycle a chemical changes or a physical change?

physical change

Is bleaching your hair Is a rusting bicycle a physical or chemical change?

first physical, second chemical

Is rusting a bicycle a chemical or physical change?

Rust (oxidation of metal) is a chemical change but it is also a physical change in the strength of the material.

Is a rusting bicycle a chemical or physical?

Rust (oxidation of metal) is a chemical change but it is also a physical change in the strength of the material.

Is a rusting bicycle a physical or chemical change?

It's not the rusty bike it's the rusting of the bike. rust forms in a process called oxidation, or when iron comes in contact with oxygen. Also one reason you can tell it's a chemical change is when you can't reverse the process. Or when it involves changing the chemical compound.

Is there a chemical or physical change when a bicycle rusts in the rain?

Rusting is a chemical change, as steel/iron turns into iron oxide.

is iron rusts a chemical or physical change?

Its is chemical as

Is rusting a metal physical change?

Metal rusting (corrosion) is a chemical change.

Why is rust a physical change?

rusting is not a physical changeit is a chemical change

Is a nail rusting a physical or chemical?

A nail rusting is a chemical change.